Peer Review Process

This journal is a single blind refereed journal. It means that the names of the reviewers are  unknown to the author(s), but the identity of the authors are known to the reviewer(s).

The academic editor may decline to further consider a submission! 


Dear Reviewers,

The quality of a scientific journal is determined by the academicians who are referees for that journal. Therefore, we would like to thank you, our esteemed referees, for your effort and time spent evaluating our journal’s articles.

On the other hand, sadly, we are seeing that our young colleagues want their articles (relevant or irrelevant) to be cited in the articles they referee to become famous suddenly. As ATNAA journal, we would like to state that we will not allow more than two citations during the evaluation phase.

It is the primary duty of every academician to comply with our profession’s ethical rules and keep the respect our profession deserves on the agenda.

With this understanding, we warmly greet all my academician friends who support us.